Annika Angelo, MS, ADHD Nutrition Research Expert
Presentation Requests
I present on a number of topics to a variety of institutions. If one of the topics does not suit your desires, you can note in your request your desires and thoughts. Please note I will not present outside of my scope of practice.
I am open to conducting presentations for continuing education units, ADHD or other mental health conferences, and general education institutions. For podcast requests, please send an email to with the name of your podcast and topics you’d like to discuss.
The 5 Foundational ADHD Nutrients
1 hour
This presentation details the 5 most important nutrients to focus on with ADHD according to the current research. It includes the reason for why they impact ADHD along with research on common deficiencies.
Why Eating With ADHD is Hard + Behavioral Interventions to Help
1 hour
This presentation covers aspects of ADHD neurology and the three common ADHD disordered eating patterns as well as ARFID. It includes the 10 most helpful behavioral interventions that are tailored specifically to ADHD.
The Nutritional Approach to Depression
1 hour
This presentation focuses on the neuronutritional fundamentals to depression. It covers what nutrients are implicated in depression, the interaction of the gut microbiome, and the physiological basis for why eating becomes more difficult during depressive episodes.